Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ramblings from My Life....

Well, good morning! Welcome back to my world! It's been a long time since I just let my mind run wild and rambled along in a stream-of-conscience here. Not that I haven't wanted to just share randomly with you, but my thoughts were so disjointed that half the time they didn't even make sense to me! I had so much going on that my thoughts were jumping fast from one subject to another without even being in complete phrases, much less complete sentences!!!
I have since come full circle... I eliminated some things, situations and people and added others... I have a much more coherent life now... and Way More Hope for our future!!!
I am still doing/ back to doing lists... a variety of lists... I am trying out other people's lists, then combining these with tried and true lists I love... making lists makes my life move ahead... FAST!!!
Listening to Steven Curtis Chapman's Greatest Hits CD on my laptop... good music... kind of an old CD, but sometimes a journey on the 'way-back-machine' is nice...
As I sit here, at work, doing the books, I have time for my mind to wander... and, as I am a very small cog whose input and ideas are generally unwanted, my thoughts are my own... and I contemplate the direction I want to take my home business... what steps to get where I want to be... and I contemplate a relandscaping plan for the front of the current homestead... hmmmm... he, he... a plan comes together... the idea is to have the area inside the property line (4' from where the curb would be) landscaped to suit me, but the parkway (the part of 'my' property that belongs to the county, but I must maintain) landscaped to make the county people feel good about life... he, he... gotta love government induced mind games!!!
So... I am going to dig up all the plants in the parkway~ Iris, Asparagus, Peonies, Prickly Pear Cactus, Strawberries, Chocolate Mint, Turnip Greens, Dill, Currant bushes and Hostas. I will plant a short hedge along the outside of my little picket fence (to buffer hearing the church across the street inside my house when they are having church services)... I'm thinking Rugosa Roses as these do well in our climate, create a thick, lovely, prickly hedge and will blend well with the rose hedge along the south fence. Then I will plant the prickly pear along the street, for effect, and catmint in between as a ground cover and to continue to repell mosquitoes around my homestead (I have quite a few planted out back).
Snuggling a granddaughter~ such a sweet little thing... and her tiny gentle smile warms my heart...
Flu shots...
CDC seems' a bit panicked...
or trying to get us that way, more like it!
I'd rather just eat healthy, food foraged from forests than have some idiot inject me with a virus!!!
so much to catch up... I must admit i've fallen behind here because I've simply quit dragging my laptop to and from work~ I just tend to leave it at work (unless I have an Avon order to put in over the weekend/ in the evening)... the laptop I have is a Toshiba Satellite business laptop and is quite heavy. I am watching http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Joliet_Area_Freedom/ for a tablet or ipad or some similar item I can use to get online with my Cricket modem, but which is relatively small and lightweight... given time and patience, I will find one...  
Listened at
for a bit and got to thinking about my gardens more
about working with Matt on building fires outdoors in the winter with only foraged wood~ ie. if you don't prepare/ gather wood when asked, you might not be able to cook dinner (Mom might say the stove indoors is off-limits for the night!
a plot and a plan!!!
And... in sitting in my Jeep knitting and waiting on Matt's bus, I remembered (a big dealwhen you near 50 years!) that I have a gardening book with month-by-month chores! Ah, a landscaping plan for over-winter!!!
By the time I got back to work from dropping him at Boys and Girls Club I had forgotten... LOL... racked my brain and remembered again... gonna write it down QUICK!!!
And so...
my thoughts ramble on...
have a blessed evening, all!

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