Sunday, July 22, 2012

Laundry Soap Failures

Good morning!
Would you look at what has happened to my latest batch of laundry soap! Sometimes it clumps up on me instead of maintaining an even consistency. Ususally I can reheat it slowly and it will form a nice thick gel. This time, however, it refused to gel for me. That means I have to watch it closely to make sure it all disolves in the machine before I add each load of laundry.
Because of this repeated aggrivation I have decided to try my hand at powdered laundry soap. Obviously combining dry ingredients will be a no-brainer, but, the question is, will homemade powdered soap dissolve completely in my washer or leave a nasty residue.
Time alone will tell.

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?