Friday, May 11, 2012

Daniel 5:5-31

As I sat waiting for Aleet Automotive to open this morning, I read Daniel 5:5-31. I have decided to fast for direction and to grow in His kingdom and, once again, I was led to these verses.
But, this morning, it was like I had read these for the first time! And God spoke to my heart and reminded me that I need to humble myself to His ways and stop trying to do things on my own.
If He says something will be, then it will be~ eventually~ when He feels the time is right. A lot sooner if I will stop trying to get ahead of Him and make it happen on my own!
And so, I remember that He told me to get my physical and spiritual houses in order. He did Not tell me to turn into a Martha on Mountain Dew!
It's time for me to slow down and just be obedient to Him.
He will do what He says, but I need to be obedient.
Calm down, live in the now, and learn to be content.

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?