Monday, April 9, 2012

Planting Preps/ Confessing and Repenting

Morning! Welcome back!!!
Come on around back. I'd like to show you what I'm working on.
This is the area behind my old shed along the alley fence. Last summer it was a beautiful pokeweed patch. Well, beautiful to me as I harvested quite a few pokeberries from it! The year before that it was the site of my compost pile, so the soil is ultra rich.
This year I have a new plan for it, so I began to clear it. All the dried pokeweed was broken up and put on a tinder/ kindling pile. The old clothing pole (umbrella style) and other old pipes was taken to the curb by Matt so a scavenger could take it.
Now I have an almost clean slate to work on. After I throw away the old fly trap and tarp the compost can be spread and my project may begin!
Isn't this like confession? Once we clean out our souls, we can start over with a clean slate?
A whole new person~ living our life for Christ!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?