Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thoughts and Rambling...

Happy Saturday!
I have to say that I am baffled, but led today... isn't that how it always is? And I am abundantly blessed!!!
Sometimes God gives us options... this would be my case... for right now... He has given me options...
*Option #1~ run a muck and ignore His will
*Option #2~ wait on the man He has put in my heart (this would be the man who would help me to best serve Him and provide for the best outcome for my life)
*Option #3~ 'date' a man of my own choosing whose life lines up with the Word of God
Obviously I would prefer Option #2...
but, I also know from experience, that God will not make anyone follow Him or do His will... we do that voluntarily... a dear friend recently told me that, if I am patient and faithful, eventually what He has put in my heart will come to fruition...
at one point, many years ago, there was a time when there was someone else He put in my heart and I walked away... I walked out on God... fire got too hot and I bailed! My actions and choices caused me many extra years of waiting for my calling to come to fruition... and, undoubtedly, much grief for my intended... he and I both knew we were in each other's hearts from the Lord... he had waited for me to mature as a Christian and, before that, for God to put him in my heart... just as the time to marry was nearing, I packed up and moved far away....
I don't want to do that again...
From where I sit now, I have no idea if He has shown both of us or not... the fire is hot... so something powerful must be happening...
Sticking with Option #2...
Why mess with a perfect plan?!?!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?