Sunday, November 27, 2011

I'll Lay My Eggs Where I Want!!!

Sometimes, even though it's aggravating, we just have to admit we really can't control anyone but ourselves....
Such would be the case with Farmer Fred's crazy harem! Yesterday I set up a "new" nesting box using an abandoned milk crate... Just like the other five nesting boxes scattered across their coop floor (on the floor as I still need to insulate properly before I hang each box)...
So, imagine my surprise this morning when I found the girls had tipped over the box, dumping the soft shredded paper bedding, in order to lay their eggs on and under the pokey, prickly straw...
regardless of how pleasing we may try to make the right way to do things, others are simply going to do what they're going to do...
you can only control yourself...
you must change your attitude...
change your perspective...
It is what it is...
Even if you're a crazy chicken!

Sent from my Cricket mobile device

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?