Saturday, June 18, 2011

Not Spending..../ I'm in Trouble!

Well, I said I would update you on the not spending concept.... my results are not good.... but they are very revealing... I started out strong and felt quite confident I could do it... really I did! I even had an understanding with myself that I was only going to buy the fabric softener I had planned on before this project began... 
I ran out of liquid milk... for some reason powdered milk gives me stomach aches... but only if I drink it... not if I use it in place of creamer for coffee or a recipe... odd, I know, but true...
So I bought a gallon of 2% as La Loma's Grocery does not carry skim milk... 
That set the disaster in motion...
I had already decided that I could buy reasonable drinks o munchies if I was driving around for work... I could also buy gas so I could drive for/ to and from work... 
the sweet faces and big dark eyes in the car with me caused me to hit the drive-thru for dinner... I am owned by those big dark eyes!!!
I am going to keep at this... 
I won't be not spending, but I am way more aware of my spending habits and lack of self-control... 
Paycheck, such that it is, is banked and bills must be paid... 
that leads me to thoughts of paying off the Jeep... but first, oil change, brakes done (squeaking), buy a spare tire... 
But, this not spending is a great exercise... everyone should try it! It certainly shows how prepared you are... how self-sufficient... how spoiled... 
also a good chance to do a run-through with the kids as a game so a real disaster is not so traumatic to them...

1 comment:

  1. I always have great intentions too about not spending, or not spending on frivolous stuff. But like you said, situations arise and all that will-power goes right out the window!


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?