Thursday, June 30, 2011

How Prepared are You?

As I look around my humble homestead, I can't help but notice all I've accomplished
all that still absolutely must be finished! 
How prepared is each of us for any disaster? I can honestly say I am not nearly as prepared as I should be. Snowpocalypse proved that. I was a bit low on fresh liquid milk and firewood just did not seem to be as well stocked or organized as I would have liked.
Now, I know we have a good tent, but, for the life of me, I can't figure out how to stake it down so rain doesn't blow in! 

I've managed to stake it well enough that it hasn't lifted off during the tornado watches we've had. Good to know we won't be visiting Oz while we're bugging out!!!

I have some nice areas to relax~ my favorite being the front porch! Pull up a chair and let's chat!!! It's nice to have a place to sit peacefully and think as you plan.

But, on a side note, how much of your everyday life are your neighbors able to see? In other words, how much privacy does your lot really afford? Well, to check it out, I went to a nearby park and took a photo of the back of my lot as view-able from the park. For now, with my tent up and the neighbor's trees in full leaf, my lot is hidden. Hidden from those at the park. 
However, with the current fencing I have, I am view-able by my close neighbors very easily. That is not okay and must be addressed down the road.

Please, bare with me as I learn to upload photos to my blog and show you more details of our prepping, or prepping I wish I was doing, as the  case may be! 
Check back soon for more updates!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?