Monday, May 23, 2011

Chickens Eat the Weeds

Good Morning! Isn't it a beautiful day? Come on a round back and see what Farmer Fred and his harem are up to. Would you look at then scratching and munching?!
I've been pulling weeds this morning and throwing those into the chicken run. The chickens get so excited when they see me coming with more fresh weeds to munch!!!
Most of the weeds will be eaten today. This truly fresh organic snack seriously cuts onto the amount of corn and layer crumbles I have to buy saving me a bit of cash! And it's a food source I know is pesticide and fertilizer free providing me with better and safer eggs and raw chicken for my family.
What is the favorite snack of your chickens?


  1. When we pick artichokes they are usually filled with pincherbugs. We take the artichokes and shake them out in the chicken coop. The chickens come running for their favorite food. It's really fun to watch them fight over the bugs.

  2. Yes! Farmer Fred, Gertrude and the girls love fresh worms and pinkie mice! Juicy little treats!!! Fred growls at me as I pull weeds~ I prefer to think of it as gentle encouragement!!!


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?