Friday, May 27, 2011

Chickens Don't Like Sugar Wafers

Morning! How are you on such a blessed sunny morning?
Come around back a minute... I have to tell you about my finicky chickens...
Last night I put this tray of munchies in their run for them to have this morning... sort of a breakfast buffet of sorts... I try to do this most evenings...
When I put it out, they all jumped out of 'bed' and ran outside to see what I had for them! This is unusual. Normally they don't like to be out after dark and eye me curiously, but wait for sunrise to check out what treats I've brought. Well, last night they came to check and munched a bit before returning to 'bed'.
This morning Farmer Fred had Gertrude, Matilda and the rest of the girls (along with our neighborhood) up at 4:30am for breakfast! After a few minutes of encouraging everyone to get up and enjoy the breakfast buffet, Fred quieted down nicely.
When I came into the kitchen at 6:45am, Fred gave me quite a detailed 'Thank You'... so nice to be appreciated!
I noticed, however, when I went to hang out a load of towels, that the sugar wafers were not eaten, but had been used well in some chicken version of a food fight!
So, no more sugar wafers for Farmer Fred, Gertrude, Matilda and the girls...
I Need to get them some new toys!!!


  1. What kind of chickens are they?

  2. Are there other foods that they don't like?

  3. Is the boy gray and the girls white? Do they come in other colors? Do all of them crow? I didn't realize that I was this interested in chickens. I don't think that my neighbors would want to get up that early in the morning.

  4. My chickens like bread, lettus and grass, but not carrots.

  5. 1. Do they eat other foods besides vegetables?

  6. 2. What time do they go to 'bed'? Do you have to go out and close the chicken door? or does it close on it's own, like a garage door.

  7. 3. What knd of toys do they like?

  8. Mine like pumpkin pie.

  9. What if they don't go into the coop? Can you put them in? Is it safe for them to stay out at night?

  10. I heard that they like to climb on ladders or other things that they can wrap their feet around.

  11. If they stayed up late, I would need to stay up late to close the door.

  12. They can eat fruits too. They like apples

  13. Are the toys something that they can eat when they are done playing with it?

  14. If you have to close the door at night...then someone needs to open it in the morning...Can they stay in until I go to work?

  15. There was an article that I saw that said that if the chickens got board, they will start to pick at each other. The toys or the frozen food gave them something new to do. But the article didn't say what the toys should be.

  16. I freeze my pineapple cores and feed them those. They are like Popsicles for the chickens.

  17. How did you have any pumpkin pie left over? We always eat that first.

  18. We have a lot of watermellon rinds in the summer...can they eat rinds?

  19. Mine have been going in at about 8:30 at night. I can't figure this out, last year they stayed out until it was dark.

  20. My chickens are red

  21. Hi! Wow! So Many questions/ comments!!! I have several types of chickens... can't name all of them. I would love to switch to only one heirloom variety eventually.
    So far they are unimpressed by sugar wafers and fish... although they like tuna from a can, a friend gave me left-over raw fish...
    They Buried It!!!
    Chicken run Stinks now! Too funny! I have crazy chickens!!!
    For toys I have a bungee cord hanging in the run~ I hang fruits and veggies on it. I saw the idea on a web site. The 'kids' love it!
    Many mornings Fred does not get up until 6:30 or 7:00 am... when the trains wake him up at 4:30am, he only crows a few minutes, then goes back to sleep... like you would do if the neighbor blared his stereo at that hour... yell a few minutes, then go back to sleep!


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?