Thursday, March 17, 2011

Project 365~ Why Should I Do This?!

Welcome back!
I have a new project I wanted to share with you today. 
 'Project 365' 
This is something I should have already been doing, yet sort of have been at the same time.
The point of the project is to take a photo of something meaningful to you every day. 
Then use this 'photo diary' to watch your world change and see how the things that matter to you change with it. 
Now, to me, this means to take a photo of something that really touches me deeply. 
My intention is to take these photos each day and use these for my blogs. 
As I sometimes post blogs, like this one, devoid of photos, there will, undoubtedly, be days where I will post multiple photos/ blogs. 
I think this will serve two purposes~ first to prompt me to post more regularly; second to give you a deeper look into my world. 
I know that I do a lot of introspection as I read my blog posts and look at all the photos I've posted. 
Sometimes I can't help but ask myself, "What were you thinking?"
"What happened to your plan to get ______ done?"

My challenge to you is this:
Take a photo of something really special to you every day. 
You don't have to share these photos with anyone, but look through them often and watch as you world changes!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?