Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Christian vs Preppeing

I have a bit of a dilemma and wanted to share my perspective as compared to what I am hearing.
Your opinions are definitely wanted. 
I am a prepper. 
Yup, I am in the process of making sure my family has enough of everything to last at least a few weeks if a disaster hits. 
I am overstocked on some things that I come by easily and short some things that are more expensive or that I simply need to make time for. 
But, my dilemma is this: 
Is prepping a non-Christian practice? 
I keep hearing, from a few sources, that prepping is not a Christian practice. 
That we should rely fully on God and He will make sure we have all we need without us doing anything extra.
I am of the opinion that God gave us wisdom. 
That He fully expects us, to the best of our capability, to be prepared for whatever is obviously coming. 
So, as Japan slowly dies of radiation poisoning and the weather is weird, I will prep. 
So I will keep prepping. 
Prepping means I stock up on toilet paper or bar soap when it's on sale. 
It means that I recycle the grey water from my washing machine to water my fruit trees and vegetable garden. 
This means that I am saving a bit more money with every prep I do. 
Prepping means I am challenging myself to live more frugally every day. 
What can possibly be un-Christian about that?


  1. I agree with you! Do you suppose people with that attitude think prepping is just an LDS thing? God uses both supernatural means to deliver us, and natural means(such as giving us wisdom). Both divine provision! Keep on prepping! Proverbs 22:3-A sensible person sees danger and takes cover, but the inexperienced keep going and are punished.

  2. Yes! Thank You!!!! It is very disheartening to know how many aren't ready for a disaster because they refuse to be ready.
    How did these people not learn from Hurricane Katrina? They were not prepared. FEMA couldn't have cared less if they lived or died. God did not lift them up on rainbows of light and carry them to safety.
    Everyone really needs to look at the potential disasters for their area and prep. My worry here would be flood, quake and the government shutting down and opening the doors of Statesville prison.
    I can't afford to do every potential prep, but I do what I can to keep my household safe no matter the scenario.


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?