Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bedtime Prayers

Good Morning!!!
I wanted to share our bedtime prayer routine as I find it an amazing barometer of Matt's day and all the things he couldn't verbalize as they happened. 
It does seem like, after a long hot bath, tucked deep in cozy comforters with fresh sheets and pillow case, he feels safe to share.
Our prayer is simple. I think the simplicity is the key to it's success. 
We start simply with, 
"Thank you God for..."
Then we each list what we are truly thankful for that day. 
I always let Matt go first. 
Sometimes it is something as simple as,
"letting me sleep near my Mom."
Sometimes it is,
"for me having friends today,"
which brings me to tears as friends really ought to be a given when you are ten years old!
We follow our thank yous with
"Please, God, help me..."
We list what we need help with the most.
Matt's is usually 
"mind my Mom,"
"be nice to my Mom."
Mine is usually,
"to be a better parent to Matt and understand what he needs."
This is followed by hugs and kisses...
And a way better understanding of each other.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?