Monday, February 7, 2011

Preparedness vs Snowpocalypse 2011

Well, Dear Friends, Snowpocalypse 2011 seems to be over...
or is it? 
The weather will tell us over time!
How did your family fare during the storm? 
Did you have enough firewood and groceries stocked up? 
What did you learn from the experience?
As for my household? 
Well, we were okay.
That is definitely Not a reassuring statement! 
Here we sat with no firewood on hand. 
Well, there is wood out back, but I can't find the little chisel I used to split wood last winter.
Huge logs and no splitter is the same as no firewood on hand! 
Just plain dumb and unprepared.
Plain and simple.
Yes, the furnace still works. 
It rumbles incessantly putting out some heat. 
I was not prepared.
No excuse in the world will keep us warm.
What would we have done if the gas or electric had gone out?!
We would have been beyond cold. 
And so, come summer Matt and I will be stocking up on firewood.
This will be a major priority. 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?