Monday, March 29, 2010

Spread 7 Bags of Mulch!

Hi! Nice of you to stop by! I've been cleaning up the front parkway. I spread seven bags of mulch and planted 49 bulbs! Neither seemed to go nearly as far as it should have. The bulbs barely planted the small area north of the drive~ roughly 2x3 ft. It's basically a rock garden with mulch, but I hope the flowers spred fast!
As I'm planning to relandscape closer to the fence, I'm only mulching near the streeT. The mulch gives the lot such a finished look, helps to cut watering and adds to the cabin atmosphere we're going for!

1 comment:

  1. the mulch makes the yard look complete... its great to stand in front and look over the yard... i cant wait until we get the rest of the plants moved and the rest of the mulch spread


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?