Monday, October 19, 2009

Updates & Property Elevations

Well, Good Morning, all!
Thought I would stop in and catch you up on our crazy world. Sorry I haven't been posting much lately, but, with the new baby in the house, things have been hectic to say the least!
I do have a couple blogs started and saved as 'drafts' in my phone, but the battery died, so I am forced to log on and blog with out pics.
I've been thinking a lot about the current economic and political situation and trying to decide if my family is okay where we live currently. I was unable to find a reasonably priced map of local elevations, so I am getting ready to map elevations of landmarks around me. I found a link that shows elevations of public places such as schools and parks( Using this tool I can make note of surrounding elevations. It will not be as accurate and user-friendly as a map with all the elevations drawn on in nice little loops, but it will be better than nothing. I think I will be able to establish my home's elevation and decide if we are truly high enough. Also, I can establish what would be our best routes out of town in the event of a national disaster. I am basically surrounded by flood plains, so this thinking is critical. I am thinking that my only roads off of my hill will be under water.
After I post all possible/ pertinent elevations to my map, I will begin to investigate any potential escape routes. Of course I will have to investigate during heavy rains. I'll post pics of how much/ little hope there is. I may end up having to just buy a boat! LOL!
Stay tuned to see what I find out!!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?