Sunday, September 6, 2009

Today's Breakfast

Hello! Today I whipped up a special breakfast to honor 2 days off in a row.
First I melted butter in a fry pan and stirred in pieces of fresh tomato (1/4 lb) and zucinni (1 lb). While that simmered on low I added 1/2 tube of pork chorizo, some Adobo, 1 1/2 packets Sazon (with cilantro and tomato) and a teaspoon of home canned sofrito.
I let it simmer until the zucinni was tender and stirred in 6 eggs.
Cooked until done, it was wonderful~ and full of veggies!

1 comment:

  1. hmmmmm.....interesting Karen! What is the taste like? I have never heard of some of these ingredients, lol, but I am always open to trying new foods because the same old ones get boring after awhile! What is adobo and pork chorizo and sazon? Nebver had a sofrito, lol....I live a sheltered life in boring Bradford!


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?