Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Matthew Helps, Too!

It's so nice when a family works together! As times get tougher and we spiral towards 12.21.12, it becomes more and more critical that every member of a household does their part to keep things running and get ahead.
At 8 years old, Matt is able to sort, wash, hang out and fold his own laundry. This takes a weight off my shoulders and frees up time to do other things.
If a family is to survive, they must all work together!


  1. I am a volenter helping youg children read and to understand what the read.I am 72 years old and still full of life.

  2. Children need more seniors to be involved in their lives... seems like most kids are missing a critical link to the past... and a better way of doing things!


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?