Monday, June 15, 2009

Hat-Lady Hats!

What if we all donated one thing to a homeless person to get them through the winter?
I am knitting hats again this year. I only have 7 finished. That is not good! There are, obviously, more than 7 homeless people in Joliet.
Last year I gave a free hat to anyone who asked. This year only the truly homeless get a freebie. I've decided to charge everyone else $4.00. That will cover the materials to make that hat plus 3 more.
The Farmer's Almanac calls for snow in October this year... Brrr... That's early! Not much time left.
I've got to go knit! You do your part, too.


  1. Good for you. I, personally, have no practical skills whatsoever. I just give out money.

  2. Excellent idea! I don't knit but i will be thinking of something i CAN do. Thanks for the jolt!


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?