Thursday, April 16, 2009

What if We All Respected Our Parks?

Well, hello.
This is one of the brand new plaques at Ridgewood Park by the overlook platform.
I find it so sad that the gang activity has gotten this bad in Joliet. I've realized for a long time that there are many active gangs here, but this is uncalled for. The plaques were put up to educate families.
Maybe local teachers could teach them how to draw on paper if the police are going to let them run loose!
What does your town do about gang activity?


  1. We could legalize drugs. Then people would get their drugs at a clinic, instead of in the park. With no drug seekers in the park, there won't be drug dealers and, therefore, there would be no need to tag the area. I'm just saying.

  2. I offered that argument to someone who said then the dealers will find a more addictive and harmful drug to get kids addicted to so the drug dealer can still make his/her easy money.
    What would you answer to that.


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?