Sunday, April 19, 2009

Living in the Woods

As we hiked through the woods last evening, we came upon these two tents. They were barely visible from the trail.
We walked closer very gently, not sure if visitors would be welcomed. Calling out, "Hi! Is anybody home?", we were greeted by Dave, a resident in one of the tents. He was a really nice, clean-cut guy who is looking for a roofing job (or any job to help him move out of the tent).
To see a man of above average intelligence with no obvious signs of addiction or untreated mental illness with no choice but to live in a tent village hidden back in the woods is so sad! He says he does not want to spend another winter out there~ he's got job applications out all over.
What could you do to help him?


  1. Should you be more or less likely to help someone who is addicted or mentally ill?

  2. I had really hoped to see everyone drawing together as a community trying to take care of each other when the market started falling. I figured it would be the eye opener to all who do still have jobs that - hey - they CAN lose them and wouldn't they want someone to help them and show compassion.
    I am sadly disappointed though as I watch people walk on by and not give it two thoughts. How selfish can we be?
    We feel beyond blessed that not only does my husband have a great job - but his job has virtually NO chance of layoffs and failing. We know that there are many struggling and we are trying to make sure that we take the time to help out with our services and resources when possible.

  3. You should help everyone... but, my experience here has been that those who are addicted or unmedicated mentally ill are more likely to live like this.
    This is not a situation of some one getting fed up with society and buying a wooded area and living like 'Grizzly Adams'. This is a failed economy and the fall-out.
    And, actually, I would be more likely to help some one who is mentally ill more and for a greater period of time. For a person capable of supporting themselves, I offer a few job leads and encouraging words and go on my way. I might go back with fresh produce, but not regularly.
    For someone who is honestly handicapped I would be inclined to go back regulaly, take blankets & fresh produce and try to plug them in to services that are available.


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?