Monday, April 27, 2009

Currant Bushes in Edible Parkway

Good Morning!
Remember going to your Grandma's as a child? Both of my Grandma's had currant bushes. I remember munching at those bushes as a child.
Good memories must be perpetuated, so I decided to plant two (2)! Now my children and grandchildren will be able to munch truly fresh currants.
And so will my neighbors!

1 comment:

  1. I palnted 2 current bushes last year myself. I thought I had lost them last fall, but they have leafed out really well this spring. I have tried to replace what we left behind when we moved from PA to KY, such as the current bushes, and other fruits and berries. We also like to plant trees for the next generation and wherever we live we try to make improvements beyond what it was when we arrived.Keep up your blogging .... very interesting!


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?