Monday, March 23, 2009

Love Everyone

In a world where everyone seems to just be concerned for their own wellbeing, wouldn't it be nice to see people try to look out for eachother?
What if we all did one nice thing for each person we saw? We could smile as we pass people, say 'hi' or shake a hand.
Imagine if your neighbor raked your leaves to be nice! Or shoveled your snow?
What would happen if you baked a neighbor a cake or pie just because?
If we all change our demeanor just a little, the world will improve a lot!
What will you do?


  1. I always smile at people when I walk around my neighborhood. They smile back. And I think it makes both of us feel good. A smile is the original random act of kindness.

  2. I agree whole-heartedly. Glad to see other doing the same. We could really start a "Show You Care" revolution! Visit my blog "Sunny's Place" to see.....

  3. At home they call me mommyMarch 28, 2009 at 2:50 PM

    I like to smile at everyone...


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?