Saturday, April 11, 2009

Quietly Preparing

Well, I stocked up on bar soap. A little over a one year supply!
I went to a Mormon website about preparedness. It said to buy 15 bars of soap per person in your household to have enough for a year.
Kmart had a sale on my Dove soap~ Yea! So I bought nine 6-packs Of three varieties:
Original Scent
Cool Moisture
When I went to store all this soap, I remembered we had back-up soap in a box somewhere. Between the extra nine bars I just bought (beyond what our family needs) and the soap we already had, we have enough for one extra person. That covers company coming to visit or a wayward, unprepared family member coming to live with us.
It is so nice to know we are prepared!

Take a minute, look at how stocked up you are and how our country is going under. Are you prepared to survive without stores? Stock up slowly while there is time... Please.


  1. I agree! We all should be keeping a stock of unperishable goods. We have done this for many years. I also try to make sure we have plenty of canned food (home-canned as well as store-bought) in case we have to live without electricity and the food in the freezer goes bad. Clothing is another item. Make sure there is plenty of underwear and socks as these items wear out fast. And when children are in a family, it is a good idea to keep sizes ahead of clothing items, jeans and shirts in particular. A sewing machine, sewing supplies, and stacks of material are also wise to keep on hand. Garden seeds too for future gardens. We are all about being prepared.

  2. What was the Mormon website that told how much soap to have for each person? Did it tell about quantities of any other items?
    From" "At home they call me mommy"


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?