Saturday, April 4, 2009

What if we all cared?

What if everyone tried to help one person every day?
What if each of us gave a warm hat to a homeless person?
What if every property owner planted an edible parkway?
What if each of us invited a needy person over for Thanksgiving or Christmas?
What if we each gave of ourselves to someone in a lesser position?
Although God views us each equally, many of us are blessed in ways that do not involve money and all it's trappings.
What if we looked at each other as though we were all equal?
What if we gave the same smile to the dirty homeless guy that we gave to our kids this morning?
How much better would our children's world be if we would teach them to treat each other this way?
What if we each started to model this behavior to our children starting tomorrow?
What if?


  1. Certainly some thought-provoking words .... I enjoy your blog.

  2. It is so neat to see the faces of those less fortunate than myself when I smile at them the way I smile at my son~ with love and compassion. I can give them something far more important than money~ love and respect.
    Me, personally~ as I struggle to balance my own budget, I would rather you treat me with (honest) love and respect than throw money at the problem.
    The lack of money/ possessions is a personal problem, to be solved by each individual.
    Lack of respect is something that is, at least partly, the responsibility of each of us...
    We Must Treat Everyone with the Respect We Want for OurSelves!!!


Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?