Sunday, May 5, 2019

A Good Son

Many have son's, but are they good son's? What constitutes a truly good son?
There are so many possible answers to these questions, and, really, the answers can change as the years pass. 
And there are stages son's go through where a parent can't help but worry.  . . moments when it seems a new girlfriend has eaten their brain and is now running the show . . when they ride their bikes down concrete steps or jump off a fire hydrant onto gravel to show girls they can land on their feet  . .! 
But then . . they bring us flowers . . cook us supper . . happily hang new miniblinds to replace the ones we broke (true story). They are the boys who bring their girlfriend to church and sing along with your favorite Christian radio station!! 😂

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?