Sunday, April 7, 2019

"Quick" Update

Hey, friends, sorry I have been only posting minimally. Not sure if you're noticing but I really haven't just posted, rambled, poured my heart and soul into simply sharing with you . . 
I So Miss That! 
I am finding more and more that I need that quiet time of journalling here and on my Patreon blog . . Sharing with all of you the little things, my dreams, quiet plans . . 
I dearly love writing so miss this so much. 
So, my allergies have been attacking . . my job has stressed me out . . and I am trying to make huge huge positive changes in our lives with a negligible local support system. 
So I am starting the whole process of major major life changes over almost from the beginning . . 
Changes absolutely have to be made . . the unacceptable must be replaced . . 
We have a right to feel secure, be happy and have personal peace. 
I am working towards those goals. 
A lot of what I am doing (things you might not see here) is over at 
Some posts are free 
Some (a LOT) $1/month 
Some $2+/mo 
It depends on how personal the info is and how far ahead I'm sharing. 
Also, I'd seriously like to be able to shift more and more to full time writing so having patrons support my writing helps. If you choose to pledge look at it as an online magazine subscription! But, rather than paying yearly you pay monthly and can stop at any time. How cool is that!?!??! 
For right now most of my paid posts are at the $1/mo level as that's where my current patron, the lovely @Morgaine620, is pledging. Slowly I am also adding posts at the other levels. 
Now, as you look at the list of posts ignore for a minute the "Become a Patron" button that seems, to me, to be on attack mode😂 
Instead, very slowly scroll through and look at what's free (some of these were released days earlier to my patron only), look at the photos, titles . . Are there any locked posts you wish you could read? Maybe you'd like to try becoming a patron at that level for one (1) month. That allows you the opportunity to view all posts at that level or lower.  . . time to assess ..  do you want to continue as a patron? At the same level? I really am completely fine with people randomly changing levels. 
Then, at some point 
[need all new tires on your car . .?] 
you may want to pause your subscription for a while. 
Please , come back when you can! 
Even if you pop in/out and switch levels you still have access to all past posts and can catch up easily!! 
Okay, so what's up here?? 
Well, I am reassessing so much . .and making huge changes .. huge! 
We have to move . . it's become so nonnegotiable to Matt and I. Yes, the landlord wants us to stay . . even agreed to a 1 1/2 year lease vs standard yearly ..  but we have to go . . I will be detailing why once we have moved . . but all the really good pics and info will probably be on my Patreon blog. I will give you general details here though. 
We have a place set up to move to!! 
So exciting!! 
I prayed and prayed ..  
Our home needs to be like a resort/vacation home/off-grid/homestead 
So I prayed . .
 We needed a home that: 
*Backs up to woods 
*On a hill
*Where we'll be accepted as we are 
And God led me . . He'd been trying to tell me for a while ..  the perfect place was waiting for us!! 
And I paid my deposit!! 
🎉WooHoo 🤣
Yes, my lease expires October 25th . . and we know we have a place to go . . 
The owner and manager are super nice and friendly 😊 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?