Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Obedience to God in Our Relationships

Malachi 2:13-16 
13 You should do this as well:
        cover the altar of the Lord with tears, weeping, and groaning
            because there is still no divine favor for your offering or favorable regard
            for anything from your hand.
14 But you say, "Why?"
    Because the Lord testifies about you
            and the wife of your youth against whom you cheated.
    She is your partner,
            the wife of your covenant.
15 Didn't he make her the one
13 You should do this as well:
        cover the altar of the Lord with tears, weeping, and groaning
            because there is still no divine favor for your offering or favorable regard
            for anything from your hand.
14 But you say, “Why?”
    Because the Lord testifies about you
            and the wife of your youth against whom you cheated.
    She is your partner,
            the wife of your covenant.
15 Didn’t he make her the one
and the remnant of his spirit?What is the one?
        The one seeking godly offspring.
You should guard your own spirit.
        Don’t cheat on the wife of your youth
16         because he hates divorce,
says the Lord God of Israel,
            and he also hates the one covering his garment with violence,
says the Lord of heavenly forces.
        Guard your own life, and don’t cheat.

God specifically commands us not to cheat on our spouses. To Him our spouse is the one He has given us for a life-companion, someone to walk our life's journey and share in each ministry He gives us. This spouse is a blessing and a gift from God to be treasured. 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?