Sunday, April 14, 2019

💑Joy Dare🐇 April 8-14, 2019🚃

8th~ 3 gifts rising up . . 
              💑 happiness 
               🌞summer sun 
                 💯 Matt's grades 
9th~ a gift hiding, held, heard . . 
                ❤️his heart
                   💭His answer   
10th~ 3 gifts opened up  . .  
             ❤️my heart to His will 
11th~ 3 gifts budding/blooming . . 
             ❤️His plan for restoration 
                🚃new home 
                 🐇snuggly homesteading 
12th~ 3 gifts worn . . 
             👕red t-shirt 
               👖comfy jeans 
                 💖His love in my heart 
13th~ 3 gifts bright . . 
              👵her smile 
                😊when work is fun 
                 🙃long drive with Matt 
14th~ 3 gifts found looking up . . 
                   📖His truth 
                 🕊️peace in quiet times 
                🚧new direction 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?