Sunday, April 21, 2019

📚Joy Dare 📖 April 15-21, 2019⛵

~15th~ a gift in a bag, in a box, in a book ..
                      📱Matt's new phone

~16th~ 3 hard eucharisteo . .
                       🌱starting over

~17th~ 3 gifts woven together . .

~18th~ 3 gifts inherited ..
              📚love of learning
               🐮love of farming
                 👶love of children

~19th~ 3 gifts square . .
           💤burning the box
             💻 back to college
               🙃 pretending to be "normal"

~20th~ a gift stacked, stashed, stilled ..
            📚 books
              😊 sewing supplies
                😨 fears

~21th~ 3 gifts found in Christ .. 
                      ⛪service to others 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?