Thursday, March 14, 2019

Our Spouse's Needs Over Ours

KJVA Bible. Hebrews 10:24
[24]And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: 

Still praying through the Love Dare . . it is amazing how this process has made me grow! 
Yes, it is a Dare to love our spouse/ex-spouse unconditionally and to pray for them in an unceasing manner . . and many go into this process hoping to change their spouse, I know I did . . 
But, really, this process changes the reader. 
Going through each chapter/day and looking up each Bible verse as we prayerfully consider the day's lesson can't help but force us to grow. We may not be looking for personal change but reading and rereading what God is asking of us has a way of backing us into a corner where we absolutely must face our attitudes/behaviors good and bad then change appropriately. 
And so . . 
It is much better to look lovingly on our spouses and think of their needs than our own. 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?