Friday, March 8, 2019

💤Joy Dare 🕊️ February 4-7, 2019 🤔

4th~ 3 gifts hard to give thanks for . . 
      💤 Total and utter exhaustion 
       💸 Budgetary confinements 
       🏢 Tiny tiny apartment 

5th~ 3 gifts found .  . 
       🕊️ Peace in knowing He leads me 
        💃 My happy place 
       🎮 Control 

6th~ a gift bent, broken, beautiful ..  
        😌 My ability to wait 
         🤔 Thinking 
        💋 Avon samples arrived❣️❣️ 

7th~ 3 gifts in the kitchen  . . 
         🍶 Vinegar water 
          🥛 Milk 
         🍌 Peanut butter and banana w/ghee 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?