Wednesday, February 27, 2019

While I Wait . . and Wait . .

While I wait . . and wait . . yes, it does sometimes seem like forever .. and He used to show me visions of what life would be like once my marriage was restored . . and He hasn't shown me any for a while . . maybe because I need to stand on what He showed me and have a little faith . . LOL 
But, seriously, the waiting can be hard and get so so discouraging .. and not everyone is going to be all, "yippee, you're praying for your ex-husband!"  So all the Debbie-downers are going to want to have their say/offer unsolicited advice and therapy to help you move on. . . and then there's his new gf who calls you up to tell you off and call you so many 'interesting' names because you are praying  .  . . . 
But the peace from following Him and learning to lean into Him and trust His plan . . that makes the waiting time a blessing! 😇 
This morning I stopped by the BTG YouTube to get some encouragement from Sheila . . watching and seeing how her walk and her waiting looked blesses me. This was my comment on her video: [see above]  
We each are solely responsible for listening for His voice and following His lead in our lives. For me this is learning to be more trusting of God  . . I will continue to pray as I wait for God to heal what is still hurting and place more of a burden for obedience to the Bible in both our hearts while He continues to soften our hearts towards each other . . 
"If God is for you, who can be against you .. " 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?