Monday, February 11, 2019

🍶Water Gallon Challenge ~ day 15

🍶16 oz strawberry vinegar water 
🍶16 oz water 
🍶8 oz vanilla ice cream 

    This project has been a bust . . although I must say I am way more aware of my water intake, or sever lack of!! One thing I can say for sure is that, as usual, when I share with anyone about my current diet/weightloss attempt I don't loose . . in fact I often gain due to the pressure. 
So, yes, I'm going to continue the Water Gallon Challenge . . and I may update you periodically . . but I'm no longer posting daily updates . . I will also continue drinking the vinegar water and am realizing I have somehow stopped eating yogurt daily so that will be remedied immediately . . I am looking more at how I feel and my overall size vs my weight . .
What are your favorite tricks/tips for getting in shape? Do you look more at your weight, size or how you feel? 

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?