Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Water Gallon Challenge~ days 1-3

Hey, there! Are you doing this challenge? How is it working for you? What are you seeing about your past water consumption habits? 
For days 1-3 I gave up coffee. This wasn't the end of the world as I'm not addicted to caffeine. 
So, after watching my orogress and the "joy" f lugging around a gallon of water, I've decided to take an alternative approach. I'm going to track what I drink in a normal day with more attention given to drinking water.  . . 
                   ** 1 Gallon =128 ounces ** 
*Day 1~ 1/2 gallon water 
*Day 2~ 16 oz vinegar water, 20 oz water, 12 oz coffee  
*Day 3~ 16 oz vinegar water, 32 oz water 

Funny how drinking water rarely crossed my mind and now it's there nudging me all day! 
On a side note . . remember when water tasted really good, really refreshing?!! It tasted like water, not chemicals . . Remember drinking from a garden hose? A crick? 
I remember drinking from the cricks up in the woods when we lived in Bradford, PA and that water was so crystal clear, cool, refreshing . . 
Water isn't the same . . Except maybe rainwater . . and that only sometimes . . 

Day 29/365

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?