Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Tonight's Bible Study

KJVA Bible. Psalms 148:5-6
[5]Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created.
[6]He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass.

I don't normally share my private Bible study notes on here . . mainly because it's part of my private conversation/relationship with God. But, tonight was special . . and really hit me.
I had turned on a YouTube video from  Melody Joy, one of my most favorite Christian singers as I started my study. On the screen at the beginning was Psalm 148:5-6 and I felt God wanted to say something to me through it so I wrote it at the top of the page intending to look it up later.
I opened my notebook and Bible, wrote out my prayer
Dear Lord, thank You for the time of prayer and fasting today. W/out You none of this would be possible~ and yet that can't begin to explain it. So much You do for me~ and I am so undeserving. Thank You!
                                              Love, Karen
and what I felt His answer would be
You are my child.
Then I opened my Bible the way I always do in this sort of study . . I pick it up with both thumbs on the pages and use my thumbs to blindly open it to whatever page God chooses. At first my right thumb tried to move further back in the Bible but I stopped it and opened where directed. As I looked down I thought, "that's odd it's Psalms". . then realized I was looking at the exact verses from the song!
This is what He gave me
Praise Him . . Follow, love, obey and He will lead you.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?