Sunday, January 13, 2019

"The List". . . .revised

  How are you doing on your lists?
    Are you still doing this list periodically?
I think I revise mine about 4-5x/year .. 
  It's refreshing to sit down and let my personal priorities flow onto the paper in this format. It's also quite revealing . . I never quite know how it will turn out!!
             If you've never done 'The List' here is how to do your own:
* Grab paper and pen (no erasing!)
* You will have three (3) sections and get three (3) minutes/section.
* You need to write the first things that come to mind in the order they come to mind (no editing!)
*At the top of the page write "life"  . .this will be things you want to accomplish before you die.  .you have three minutes to make that list (time yourself)
* Next write 'one year' and follow the same steps as you did for 'life'
*Finally write 'month'. Same as above except that it's what you'd like to do if the Dr gave you a month to live (not format I used for 'month' on this list . . I wimped out and just did things I'd like to do in the next month)
* When finished it's time to consolidate   .  . So if you have the same basic thing on the lists cross off the more vague entries leaving only one
*Once you've consolidated you need to choose seven items from whatever is left and write those at the bottom. Now, in the next week you are to allow one solid hour to work on accomplishing each of those (so each gets an hour).
   Now I must say that I usually get part way through (maybe 2-3 hours put in) and realize my list needs to change . .
  *** Also, I must seriously warn you that this seemingly innocent list making task will completely change your life if you allow your thoughts to freely flow onto the paper . . Hold nothing back from this process and you will find a you who is the true you ..  your inner secret hopes and dreams will shine.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?