Sunday, January 20, 2019

Stepping Back and Reassessing

Hey, all . . Sorry I've been bit AWOL again . . I've been thinking and looking at where I am vs where I know God needs me. It's 6°F here on the homestead and we've more than survived the snow storm . . Really wishing it had been another snowpocolypse!! Sweet!! Had no idea
Matt's sound asleep (well Manicotti and I just went in and tickled him) and I put in a Christmas movie. Coffee's made and yummy. Going to reorganize apartment before I go to work at 3:30pm
But, back to what's kept me away . . Yes, I do try to post #whatif Prompts  . . I try to schedule those ahead as much as possible. . . and I do schedule other posts ahead when I can . .. . .  But I had to totally revamp my phone . . Matt put all important stuff bon the memory card then he rebooted it (but that's not what he called it).  . then I had to reinstall all my apps . . I've lost access to my Yahoo email as I can't remember the password and the phone number linked to it is an old number I had way back when we lived in Illinois!! And I lost all the drafts I had set up for this blog :(  ok, so not all perfect but the blogaway app was refusing to post those anyways . . Soooo, now maybe things will work better . . We shall see over time . ..  my goal is to transfer 3+ posts from Patreon or WordPress (or both!!) every day so that all my posts will be here together in chronological order .  giving renewed logic to my blog. I also need to finish the process of adding a button to this blog allowing you to donate if you feel you are getting something tangible from it. . . that was also attached to the Yahoo email address so will be a complete restart . ..
I think God has me pause, reassess my life and direction then He quietly puts me on a better path. I look back and see that, although the path I was on was okay, the new path is a clearer way to His goal for my life!!!
And that is where I am right now ..  .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?