Friday, January 4, 2019

Forgiving Past Transgressions

As I sat in church last night I could, unfortunately, hear my son's voice drifting softly across the aisle. He was chatting with his girlfriend and, although I couldn't hear what he was saying, others around him undoubtedly heard every word. I grimaced thinking it was silly banter and he was disturbing those around him.
It was way worse than that.
Way worse .  Beyond way worse.  . .
She had, apparently, asked him if there was anyone at church we hated (why would such a question even come up??!) and he gave her a long list of names and how he felt each person had wronged us! 😕
As he sat in the car later telling me all of this I almost died. If ever there had to be a reason to find a new church this had to be at the top of the list!!
As we drove I explained to him that this was inappropriate. We are supposed to forgive and move on. We are not to keep a list . . Or publicly broadcast a list.
And, honestly, quite often things that hurt us are done unknowingly. The person may not be aware they are being hurtful, that what they are basing their statements/actions on is inaccurate.
I have learned that many people speak without knowing the whole story. They assume based on their life or rumors then offer unsolicited advice. They mean well.
But, regardless of the origin, we need to forgive and move on.
To be forgiven by God we have to first forgive others!!
And then we need to give them extra love and pray for them.
I have found that, with sufficient love and prayer, someone who was making my life miserable turned out to be a great friend!!
Hopefully our church members will reciprocate love and prayer as Matt learns.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?