Wednesday, January 23, 2019

All My Latest Tidbits!!

Hey, here I sit feeling totally blessed and wanting to share with you what's going on. I have found a new outlook on my future. I have come to terms with some things in an amazingly content way.
First of all, marriage. Yes, I still believe that, as he and I both fully understood God's will for marriage, we are bound to be obedient to that. But  . . . I can also clearly 'see the forest for the trees' and know that, although (as far as I can tell) he has not biblically remarried, he has been living with the same woman off/on for 10+ years and seems content that way. I have prayed for him and for marriage restoration since we divorced in 2002 to no avail and I know God will not force anyone to follow Him.
Hector's choices are what they are.
And my life must go forward for Him regardless of what anyone else does/doesn't do.
We all know God forgives (look at the life of King David) and goes on to use people in mighty ways but that is no excuse for deliberate disobedience. Yet, I also know my ultimate calling is to be a pastor's wife and that will require me to eventually get remarried.
But definitely no rush.
I am content . . so content.
Second, our housing situation. Where we are is not acceptable in so many ways (I promise to blog those after we are moved and free of this place!!). I am planning to buy a used trailer, rehab it and live in a local trailer park. This would give us our own home where we would have control of maintenance and repair (ie: consistent heat/hot water).
October 25th can't come soon enough!!
Third, I am getting a French Blue Angora Rabbit  . . hopefully Friday evening. I haven't named him yet . .  and I will be setting up a blog just for bunny activities.
                     🐇 ~ Names ~ 🐇
🥕 I need a cute name for my rabbitry as I'll have pedigrees rabbits
🥕 I need male and female names for rabbits
The first rabbit will be a male.
I was thinking of naming my rabbitry 'chapelier fou lapin' which is French for Mad Hatter Rabbitry . .  not sure if this is available . . or, actually, I think I prefer a variation on that name!! Then I could name my rabbits for the Wonderland characters but use the French translation.
What are your thoughts?

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?