Saturday, December 8, 2018

Spiral Hope Quilt

Hi there and welcome back!! Always glad for fun friends to hang out with.
After much prayer I have found a new home (once finished) for this quilt.  Yea!! I am getting really close to finishing and am pressing myself to get the embroidery done so I can tie on the back, bind it and embroider a pretty label. I have an idea for a new quilt I want to start and need this one done and re-homed first.
If you remember, My First Crazy Quilt and My Hope Quilt we're both donated last year. The crazy quilt went to the sea scouts we bought Elan, our broken down sailboat, from. My Hope Quilt went to Bay View Yacht Club to be auctioned.
And so .  . .
Spiral Hope Quilt will go to the Akron Restoration Home and be raffled. It is a blessing to me to see it bless them.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?