Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Rambling on Thanksgiving ..

Hello, loves .  hoping your day is full of family and all that that brings ..
🐕 *please, whatever else, don't lock Aunt Mildred in the basement for feeding the turkey to the neighbor's dog* 🦃
As Matt and I sit comfortably munching round 1 of today's meal I can't help but thinking about those living on the streets . . today, though, is one of the days each year when they are spoiled by citizens with a guilty conscience . . it is so much easier to show up on a holiday with a flourish then to be there daily with a hug and a prayer . . or a cup of hot coffee and a simple listening ear IMHO (in my humble opinion)  .   .
Not everything or everyone is as they appear . . this simple fact escapes many people . . escapes them in that they believe others will fall for their charade . . and in that many only see what is on the surface or how they perceive things.
And us?
We cleaned the apartment and prepped supper till approx 4:30am . . then Matt scuttled off to bed . . I, on the other hand, was awake well past 6:30am . . Definitely not voluntarily . . fortunately we were able to sleep in today . . And Did ..  till approx 11am!! 💤 It was so nice to wake leisurely . . Ahh  .   . . 
This week I was blessed to have the opportunity to give out two (2) homeless survival bags  . . one very quickly as I sat in traffic at a red light, but knowing his heart was touched for Jesus! And one to a man I've spoken with twice before (this was actually the third bag he's received). . both encounters blessed my life in ways I can't express . .
You could easily make your own bags to share:
*Toothbrush and toothpaste
* Socks
*Wipes (baby or sanitizing)
*Healthy snacks
There are obviously a multitude of options you could easily include . .
Even just keeping usable coats and hoodies your family has outgrown can be an amazing blessing!!
One day Matt and I washed his previous year's winter coat. We'd just left the laundromat and it was still toasty from the hot dryer. As we drove down Collins St in Joliet, IL we spotted a young man (+/-20yrs old) huddled in a shop doorway with his dog. He was shivering and poorly dressed for even walking on a cold day much less sleeping raw. I stopped the car and had Matt take him the jacket and a blanket both if which Matt draped around them.
He was blessed to be warmer.
I was blessed to see how this impacted my son.
At the time we were living in an old 1991 camper in a junkyard because the bank was about to repossess our home.
But .. 
We had a warm place to sleep.
We had doors we could lock while we slept.
We had more than ample fresh food.
Maybe our world was collapsing . .
  Or maybe God was providing opportunities and perspective to move forward for Him!!!

Could you/would you join me in outreach?
Give them the love of Jesus . .
Wouldn't Jesus stop to hug them?
Offer a cup of coffee and a chat?
Pray with them?
What if no one had listened to or prayed with you??!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?