Thursday, December 13, 2018

☕🐇 Rambling from the Homestead . . 💻📚

Hey, sorry I haven't been around much lately . . just posting daily prompts . . and I'm not even participating in my own!! I must say that I am still slowly recovering from that weird sinus thing that hit me (a week ago??) so am going overly slow with everything . . 
And then . . Yes, and then . . a new series from a pastor I follow started  . .  How to Fight Your Own Battles  . . how to run to God with all your battles . . not run to man (people). . not post online . . it has changed my life.
Now, I follow several pastor's on YouTube, but Evans Francis really touches my life in ways that can only be from the heart of God. Every day that I watch another of his videos my day is changed . . I am way way more focused on what He wants from my life . . quieter . . introspective . . and looking around more at what I can do for Him to help those with less than me, who struggle even more than I do day to day . .

So, I've been thinking, plotting my takeover of the world 😉
I need to get back on my prayer jug project. . I have been quietly accumulating plastic jugs of various sizes for this project . .
So here's my plan so far:
Set aside clear plastic jugs designated for specific people/situations.
Label each jug . . some with a specific name .. others with a simple colored ribbon . . but each labeled so I can keep them straight 😊
So far I want one for:
~ each of my children
~ daughter's husband
~ 4 grandchildren
~ Mom
~ husband
~ Toledo Restoration Church
~ Akron Restoration Home

. . .and my mind rambles along ticking off ideas of more jugs/people/situations to pray for . .

🐔 I am longing for a tiny homestead . . a few chickens 🐔 ducks 🦆 rabbits 🐇 .. . a nice garden . . veggies everywhere . . need to pray about it . . I know full well I can give God my all and still have all this too . . as I sit in a very very restrictive apartment setting I long for a place to plant some herbs, peppers, etc . . 🍓🥕🌶️🍅 really strongly feeling led to find a place to live where I can have it all . .

Okay, then there is college . . like a BIG dummy I quit college in 1984 after 3 1/2 years of studies so I could get married. . . in all actuality, although my first husband and I were good friends, we were not in love . . I don't recall love being much a part of it all or those words spoken between us . . how sad is that??! "But, I digrees . "
So I was initially an Architectural Engineering major at Fairmont State College in 1981. . didn't know that college was not accredited in my field of study . . smh . . when we moved to Toledo and I tried to transfer my credits to the University of Toledo I was informed all credits in my major could not be applied as core classes and would have to be repeated. My father refused to allow me to retake those classes and demanded that I change my major . . I LOVE to write so I chose Communications/Print Media (journalism). I did okay, well, I survived it ..  even wrote for the Collegian, as the college newspaper was called at that time.
But my heart wasn't in it . .
So I got married so I'd be allowed to quit school and move out.
Wish I'd known I could seek assistance at the school advisor's office!!
And, I digress yet again . . 😉
I've been toying with the idea of returning to school for years and years but it always seemed just out of my grasp . . until now!!
I did talk to both U.T. and University of Phoenix advisor's and realized I needed to first sit down and thoroughly go through the lists of majors available to firmly decide for myself what I want. Yes, first priority is to simply finish college, aka have a degree, aka not be a quitter . .
"Quitters never win, winners never quit." "Joyce's  are not quitters."
Thanks Mom for all the years you repeated those phrases ad infinitum!!
Well, I looked at class listings for both universities and kept coming back to Communication!! LOL . .
At this point I found my schedule had changed and wouldn't accommodate me being in class on campus 12-16 hours/week much less the 24-32 hours of study time needed additionally ..  just wasn't going to happen. This clinched it~> University of Phoenix was the obvious answer.  . . there students take one class at a time and all online!!
So I looked through the majors under Communications . . one was for ex-military. . one was for those wanting to work more in, what looked like to me from the description, a downtown office . . Nope, well, probably not anyway.
But  . .
Communications/English . . Oooooo! The core classes (pretty much all I still need to take) looked like too too much fun!!!! 🤣 And, should I choose to add the necessary classes, I could get a teaching certificate for primary/secondary schools . . and maybe add a couple classes in special education teachering as communication can be such a huge hurdle there (first hand knowledge having raised an autistic son).
My first step is to see if my current laptop, a Toshiba Air is able to be updated to Microsoft 10 (and one other update) . . Then I need to apply to University of Phoenix and get my FAFSA done . .
Sooooo exciting!!

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?