Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Praying for You

I've been doing a lot of praying  . . . and chatting with God. .   and listening closely for His soft answer.    .  . 
Honestly I only want to be 100% where God intends.  . .  
And I have a confession. .
Months ago I was threatened about praying for or contacting in any way someone dear to myself and my son. It was such an intense and detailed threat it took two (2) voicemails to cover all the details!
After that I took a long step back. I had been doing some pretty intense praying and needed time and more prayer to discern if these phone calls were a sign from God or the devil angry about the walls I was praying down. I watched people and situations closely and did so much more praying.
Then I realized . . because He showed me . . that the caller was simply being used by Satan to interfere.  . to try to impede fulfillment of God's plan . . because I was so close to victory.  . . just the same as how Satan has been using them this way for years . . to put in a wedge/wrench.
But now the battle has become more real. Now I am aware.
Now I have a better war plan.
God is so good!!! 🙌

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?