Thursday, December 27, 2018

💻New Internet Copyright Laws⚖️

Hmm . . So I was looking at these new laws and wanted to share this with you.  . .
Please, feel free to link back to my blog.
Please, unless otherwise noted, feel free to share any photos I post as long as you give me credit  . . (not allowing sharing would require me to get photos copyrighted and I have no idea how to do that). 
If we all are willing to allow what they don't we may have a shot at killing their new law.
I can say that, for me, rather than feel someone with less blog traffic is leeching off my traffic, I feel their link increases my audience. They will, undoubtedly, have some followers who've never heard of me and vice versa.  . . So, linking benefits us both.

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?