Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Manicotti's December

These people are exhausting! Let me tell you . . I went outside just to hang out and keep an eye on the little birdies. I was wandering around minding my own business when my Dad came out, scooped me up and brought me back inside . .  . . they had smelly stuff to spray, a long green handle with pokey things they kept rubbing on the floor and a weird thing that made noise and blew steam!! These two (2) can be so weird to live with. Humph.
But, they did give me a nice new mousie toy for Christmas and even filled it with the most delightful catnip. 🐭
Now I've passed out on her quilting. .  I love to lay on her scissors so she has to pet me instead. . .

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?