Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Looking Forward . .

Yes, I'm changing direction . . point of the haircut was doing almost everything differently . . My way as long as lines up with God's word . . and ignore comments . . Also stop allowing others to abuse me (in any form) . . I have value to God as I am . . I do so much outreach for Him . . I do not need to become people's prefabbed view of what a 'good Christian woman' should act/sound like . . .
I am making changes . . HUGE changes

I am still working on consolidating the WordPress and Patreon blogs into this blog. I have decided, for the sake of saving time (and my sanity) to delete some posts (such as old word prompts)  . . and the video posts will be posted when I have time vs transferring those posts (sounds crazy but is way simpler to my overloaded brain).
I am planning to go back to school  . . I have 3 1/2 yrs college and need to quit being a quitter and finish my degree already. Major of choice is "Communications: English"  . . my initial goal is to simply finish and this degree could seriously improve my writing quality.✏️ But it could also be taken a step further and become a teaching certificate then a special education teachering certificate!!
But one step at a time . .
The classes to get my BA look like so much fun! Of course I love grammar . . and there's even a class on fairy tales!! How cool does this sound?!?!?!!!!?! 📕
So, yes, I'm making changes . . and don't want/need opinions/permission.
But and friends and those wishing to kindly join me on my journey are always welcome!!
On a side note, Matt graduated high school in 2 1/2 yrs and will start college  ..  . Will we remain in Toledo? Hard telling . . that's so so far away . . there are good universities all across the US!! 📚

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?