Monday, December 3, 2018

👩 Joy Dare ⛪ November 26-30 🏖️ December 1-2, 2018 📚

26th~ 3 gifts preparing .. 
    👩 conversation with a sweet sister
      🙏 prayerful petitions
     📚 His answers

27th~ a gift handmade, held, happy . . 
     📓 letter to my love
       💖 His agape love close to my heart
         🙏 His plan for my life

28th~ 3 gifts in community .. 
   👵 amazing ideas for my new year's outfit
     🙏 praying for each other
      💖 learning agape love

29th~ 3 gifts red . .
    🦌 Rudolph's nose!!
      🍅 Thick slice tomato
        💋 sweet smiles

30th~ 3 gifts astonishing . .
     👵 new opportunity
       📚 ideal curriculum
         📓 better plan


1st~ 3 gifts white . .
    🙏 souls washed clean
     🏖️ sand
      🍝 noodles
2nd~ 3 gifts bright.  . 
    ⛪ getting to serve communion
      😎 a day with my sweet son
        👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 future

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?