Monday, December 10, 2018

🙏Joy Dare 🕰️ December 3-9, 2018💞

3rd~ 3 gifts shining . .
     💖 His agape love
       👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 hope for family restoration
         🤣 laughs with friends

4th~ a gift circling, crowning, crafted . .
    💞 love like the neverending circle of a wedding ring
      ⛪ His plan
        🙏 homespun prayers

5th~ 3 gifts silver ..
   👵 wisdom in gray hair
     ☁️ silver lining
       🔑 keys to heaven

6th~ 3 gifts sweet . .
       😎 Matthew
        👵 road trips and giggles
          ⛪ all His Love
7th~ 3 gifts from your Savior . .
     📝 writing ability
      🕰️ patience
       💞 love for the least 

8th~ a gift hung, held, heard . .
    🙏 hopes on Him
     🔑 keys to heaven
       👵 plans 

9th~ 3 gifts ugly-beautiful . .
     🕰️ waiting 
       💻 long fight w/blogs
         🌴 choices ❄️

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?