Thursday, December 6, 2018

Being a Girl . . means waiting

Being a girl does mean waiting . . and wondering . . waiting to see if we'll be asked out .  and will it be by someone serving the Lord . . ? Wondering if a decent guy will find us appealing . . waiting and wondering . .
And praying a Lot!!
So what do we do while we are waiting?
Pray, yes . .
Read the Word, yes . .
Bible study, yes . .
But, what else?
Well, I've been pondering that myself. Yes, I already have 3 church services/week to attend, a teen to parent and I work overtime. But I still have time on my hands. After cleaning the apartment and sorting through a bit more stuff we brought from Illinois I have actual "down time"!! This would be time dedicated to a beau, but for now it's just time . . time to set up more homeless survival bags . . to get Matt and I signed up to do volunteer work . . to finish college (cuz "quitters never win and winners never quit" thanks Mom for repeating that over and over cuz it's so so true!!)
Yes, I'm filling the hours ..  and waiting for God to move (or move me). .
Waiting, it's what we girls do.
Thank God He knows my heart .  . .
And someday He will bring love worthy of marriage.
Until then I'm not going to sit around.

{sorry I've been AWOL yet again . . overloaded myself and got sick ..  really sick}

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Welcome! What are you doing to show you care?